
Tino's el cover page

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago


I chose to do the narrative because hockey is my life. Alot of people believe that hockey is just one big brawl. This is however totally untrue. People do not realize how much heart and effort go into this game. So I figured that this story would help.



Ive always had a hard time thinking about topics to write about. It was actually my dad's idea to write about that particular game. He saw the game from the stands and experienced everything firsthand.



In most of my writing I like to use lots of descriptive language. I feel that it makes the words on the page come out of the page. It allows the reader to feel immersed in the story. I also used a few metaphors and some language that most hockey players like to use.



I guess just take a look at the punctuation/grammar. Look at the word usage and feel free to slice and dice it up .

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