
Remix of Galina's Narrative

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

01/20/08the story of friend of mine

for our homework for narratives, i would like to write about a wonderful girl with really rough life...

When I was a teenager I was always wondering, and I guess dreaming to one day go to America. My parents never wanted to come here, but they had a lot of friends that have been to America several times. They would tell me stories about their visits.

I heard some shocking stories about how the parents would let their children drop out of school so they could get a job. Other parents would send their children off to college right after high school. Its like the parents didn't want them to start on their separate lives.

I guess through the years I forgot how everything has changed. One day I met a girl that has had some trouble in her life, but you would never know it just by looking at her. From what I know she dropped out of school at 12 years of age so she could get a job to help her mother with bills. Later she went back to high school but she never graduated. For awhile she lived by herself and of course she got into trouble. She went to court and the judge told her to move back in with her mother so she could be on probation.

The next obstacle the girl came across was a boy. Once they met they started to hang out all the time. The girl's mother couldn't wait for them to move into together so she could get out of the house. The relationship moved to fast that it didn't work out, but her mother kicked her out anyways and she had no where else to go.

What I left out is that my friend has a sister who's a couple of years older and homeless.

"Luckily" my friend's sister got pregnant and decided to give the baby up for adoption. The adoption parents got her an apartment and paid her bills. My friend ended up staying in this apartment with her sister.

When they move into the new apartment they didn't have any furniture, so the mother told my friend that she will buy them some couches. She did but little did they know that in a couple of days the rental company would come to take them back. I'm sorry but what the hell is that?? I have seen her mother and would never think she could do a thing like that. She seems very intelligent, lives in a house that she owns with her girlfriend and before I knew all of tht I thought she cared about my friend.

Can somebody tell me how a parent will let their child drop out of school at 12? There is no way they need that much money. This thing with the couch was crazy. Did she jusst think the rental company would just forget, it's her own children. I haven't even mentioned the fact that she has a 3 bedroom house???? That is more than plenty of room for them to live together till they can live on their own.

I have awlays wondered why in America there are so may retirement homes and how the people almost never take care of the old people. That's why!

Sara Jane


Ian's Remix to the Remix

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