
Midterm Assessment

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Please read the description of the course goals as they are listed on the course website. Do you feel we are proceeding towards these goals? What is so far proving most useful? What would you change, and why?

I think it is safe to say that this class is not what any of its current students expected it to be. The thing that makes this class so unique is that instead of turning in a two page paper every class session, we do constructive work on the wiki. I think that this is definitely an advantage because this gives us a chance to interact and communicate with each other as we progress. We write about almost any and everything. Writing on the wiki gives me a sense of freedom of expression, because you are encouraged more to write and get your opinion out since it may possibly be read by other classmates. Sometimes we are on the same page when it comes to some topics, other times we may have many different views on a particular topic. So when we discuss it in class we are able to persuade our fellow classmates. So as a whole, I think the class is accomplishing what the teacher is trying to instill in us. So the interaction between students is definitely the most powerful advantage we have. I just think the class as a whole should take the class more seriously, myself included.


What are you learning in class? What more do you think you could learn in class? How can class be structured to help you learn what matters to you?

I’m not going to lie, sometimes the things Trey talks about in class is a little over my head. I can be with him in n the beginning, and then Trey will go off on tangents eventually he will return to the topic at hand. So it can definitely be hard to keep up sometimes, however that is his teaching style and I respect that. Believe it or not, I am learning how to become a better writer through writing on the wiki. A paper is not only something that has a main idea, a thesis sentence, a body paragraph, and lastly a concluding paragraph. But you should find your writing style and exploit it. You don’t have to be straight forward all the time.


How do you define your responsibilities to this class? How are you living up to those responsibilities? What are your greatest contributions to class? What can you improve?

My responsibility as a student is to take this course seriously. I think that because this course is so unique, and the teacher is so lenient I sometimes slack off. This obviously is nobody’s fault but my own. I should write enthusiastically on the wiki and participate often in class. A lot of times while the class is having discussions, I have so much that I want to say, but I often find myself sitting in my seat in silence. I think that I could be a huge contributor in the class if only I start to get involved more. I also have to write even more than I have recently been writing and posting on the wiki. AND I HAVE TO BLOG MORE!!!


How do you define my responsibilities as teacher of this class? Am I fulfilling those responsibilities? What more or different can I do to help you fulfill the work of this class?

Trey’s responsibility as a teacher is obviously to instruct us and educate us in areas of writing that we may not know. It is easy to recognize that Trey is so enthusiastic about writing and is sometimes disappointed that we don’t always share his enthusiasm. But as a teach her throws a plethora of vocabulary at us each week. So much so that we don’t even freak out when he uses a word that we may not know anymore, at least I don’t. Trey is definitely fulfilling his responsibilities as a teacher. He should just slow down when he transitions from one subject to another.


What more or different can I do to help you understand the work I am asking you to do?

At first, we as students all had the excuse that we didn’t understand the wiki, but now that we are so far along in the course we don’t have that excuse available to us anymore. As stated previously, I think that because this course is so unique the incentive to promptly turn in work is not always there. As a teacher, this has nothing to do with Trey, we as students that have to blog and write on the wiki religiously. But as a teacher, there is virtually nothing that Trey can do because the work is understandable, as a teacher he breaks it down. We just have to get off of our asses and do them.


What suggestions do you have for how we can improve class, to help you learn more, and enjoy the class and the learning more? (you can bullet your list for easier reading)

As a student, it is easier to relate to what we have done, or what we are suppose to be doing when we are in the big classroom with the projector. When Trey illustrates on the wiki, as Students we can look and observe what it is we should go home and do. I don’t understand why they would out a class that uses computers so vividly in the course in a hole in the wall classroom. Also as students, we have to interact more, both in class and on the wiki. Ian made a point that it’s a little uncomfortable writing on someone else’s wiki because it feels like we are invading someone’s personal space. We are all adults here, and should be able to take constructive criticism.

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