You may recall my frequent notices about mid-term assessments. Your responses will provide valuable feedback, not only for this wiki, but for the USF Writing Program at large. You can email your responses or post them on the wiki. Please understand that I will render your responses anonymous (i.e. I will remove your names) before compiling and reporting them to the assessment committee.
Your response to each question should be about 100-150 words.
Please read the description of the course goals as they are listed on the course website. Do you feel we are proceeding towards these goals? What is so far proving most useful? What would you change, and why?
What are you learning in class? What more do you think you could learn in class? How can class be structured to help you learn what matters to you?
How do you define your responsibilities to this class? How are you living up to those responsibilities? What are your greatest contributions to class? What can you improve?
How do you define my responsibilities as teacher of this class? Am I fulfilling those responsibilities? What more or different can I do to help you fulfill the work of this class?
What more or different can I do to help you understand the work I am asking you to do?
What suggestions do you have for how we can improve class, to help you learn more, and enjoy the class and the learning more? (you can bullet your list for easier reading)
due by Friday at 3 pm
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