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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Josh I agree with you to a certain extent that the word love is tossed around very much now days. But can anyone actually say that they know the true meaning of love. Maybe the definition of love is someone that brings you joy and happiness. I don't think definition of love can be proven. I believe love is what ever you make it to be. Love is showing affection for the people you care about. I think that love is still taken seriously now. It just depends on what you make out of it. I agree with you that people do use the word often and some of may or may not know what love means. But everyone has their own opinion of love and thats fair. Some people believe in love at first sight and you can argue how do you love someone you don't know yet. Some even think you can buy your way to someone's heart and they believe thats love. Now I don't think that is the meaning of love. I agree with you that the poorest man alive could experience love while the richest man in the world couldn't buy true happiness. Your right in saying that love is a blinding emotion in that people might think they are in love because it feels right and then later on realize they were never in love to begin with. I agree true is rare because true love is hard to find. Some people might never experience true love in their lifetime while others could already have true love and not even realize it.


Strong feedback, Dontae.


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