
Evaluation of others

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

My evaluation of Josh's narative

I would give Josh's portfolio an A. Considering he started late and it took him a while to get going. It's not bad for a late entry. I enjoyed it and I think everyone else will as well. Also it helps that his story is a topic of interest for me. He describes how he feels before the game and while he is on the court and gives you that feel as if you yourself were in his shoes.


My evaluation of Ian's narative

I like Ian's story. I would give his portfolio an A. I believe Ian's story is telling the reader that you may not always get the credit for what you do but you should always do your best. That is a good lesson to teach people. For this reason I think Ian's has a very strong essay because it tells a point that he is trying to get across to the audience. Also I think he gets that point across very clearly.


My evaluation of Tino's narative

Tino's story is cool. I give this an A. I really enjoyed the first paragraph. I think Tino had a very strong beginning. Overall I think he did a great job. I was very fund of the entire story which again is about sports which always interest me. I was captivated by the images he put in my head as I read through his narative. I could easily picture his teammates and he in the lockerroom getting ready for game time.

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