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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago


__1. Rationale-__When I was in the brainstorming stage of this story, I was looking for a topic that others would enjoy. But it was difficult to write about something that I had never witnessed myself. So I just tried to recall a happy memory that I knew I would always remember. The first thing that came to my mind was an instance when my brother, my friend Auzzie and I were sitting together telling jokes. And you can read the story from that point but it was a vivid memory that I managed to put on paper. or computer. whatever.


__2. Invention-__I actually wrote down this specific memory in a journal of mine so it wasn't much trouble coming up with a basic outline of how I wanted to tell the story.


__3. Composition-__I began the story with the setting, my front porch, and introduced the characters, my brother and Auzzie. Then I just repeated the "joke" my brother created and spiced it up a bit. It was difficult describing the feeling i remember having, but I tried my best.


__4. Evalution-__I'm not much of a writer so take it easy on me. At the climax, when we finally realized my brother was pulling our leg, I tried to make the reader feel the same shock as we did. So let me know if ya feel it.

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